Vigarbiz Media

Best Videography Services in Pune #1

Videography Services in Pune

“Humans are incredibly visual; and powerful moving images help us find meaning, and video helps capture and contextualize the world around us.” – Dan Patterson

Video marketing [ Videography Services in Pune ] is a cost-effective way for your business to identify and attract clients on the internet, and developing outstanding video content is quite simple. Creating a video that identifies your business and is produced in line with your culture and beliefs is critical whether you’re trying to attract new customers, employees, or donors.

Now let’s see why video content or how video marketing can help your company to grow?

Why is video content important?

  1. 95% of businesses claim that video helps customers better understand their products and services.
  2. About 87% of marketers have said that video has helped them improve visitors.
  3. About 83% of marketers have said that video has helped them generate leads.
  4. 89% of marketers say video has a positive increase in return on investment.
  5. More than 55% of shoppers admit to watching video while shopping in-store.
  6. 95% of video marketers say they intend to keep or raise their video budgets.

So from the above mentioned data..

Do you want to partner with a skilled and creative Pune-based video production company?

Do you require an explanatory or promotional video for your business that can increase your followers and take your business to the next level?

Vigarbiz Media can support you in producing high-end marketing videos that are consistent with your core values and key messages. From business concept to completion, we’ll work with you to make sure your videos are on-brand and on-message and helpful for your audience.

Vigarbiz Media provides full-service video production, including pre-production, filming, and post-production. This is handled by Vigarbiz Media, leaving you free to concentrate on other parts of your marketing strategy. Their video production team is dedicated to achieving your video marketing goals by finding the appropriate combination of entertainment and information. Vigarbiz Media specializes in creating videos that grab attention and convey your audience who you are in the Pune region.

Promotional videos for technology, health video content, and public sector films, recruitment videos for educational institutes, branded content, and many more video productions were among the projects we worked on.

We offer end-to-end video production services, from video strategy to video pre-production to video production and post-production facilities, as a video marketing firm with a full video service. Our Vigarbiz Media agency has complete facilities and a video production crew on staff.

How Can Video Marketing Services Help in the Growth of Your Company?

We help you transform the video you have.

So much video content is created in the hopes of connecting with viewers. In the hopes that it would be effective and deliver real results.

Clarity – Confuse them, and you’ll lose them. Keep it basic, clear, and easy. To win, nail that one important message.

Standout – Don’t create material that blends in. The brave are favored by fortune. Develop and own your own artistic voice.

Action – Measure what is truly important. Turns viewers into doers by producing content that inspires action and results.

Emotional – Brands that make us feel good have more attraction. Emotional storytelling has an impact on decision-making, perception, and action.

Targeted – One size does not fit all. Campaigns require a diverse range of material that is targeted to each channel, platform, and audience

Vigarbiz Media’s Video Making Process

Do you want to learn more about our video creation process or need video marketing services?

This quick guide will lead you through every stage of the process and every engagement you’ll have with your video through a video marketing agency. Because the techniques for generating live action may differ, we’ve included both to give you a short summary of what to expect from us.

Developing and Planning – We’ll begin by asking you some questions about your video and the goals you have in mind. We have a set of questions that we ask to acquire a better understanding of your goals. A Vigarbiz Media will be sent to you, outlining our findings, major milestones, and the delivery timeframe. This Information is crucial since it guarantees that we are all on the same page regarding the video as well as who is doing what and when.

Creating Script – After you’ve decided on a budget and scope of work, it’s time to start thinking about what you want the video to convey. We’ll collaborate to write a script that effectively communicates your message. We may also design a storyboard that visually illustrates the shots in your video, if applicable. As this is an important step in the video’s creation, we’ll include you in the creative development process for suggestions and criticism.

Pre-Planning – Once you’re satisfied, we’ll begin putting together an editing schedule that fulfills the agreed-upon delivery date. Many various components of the production process can affect the timetable, so please let us know if you have a tight deadline. We’ll collaborate to select the finest filming location for your video while staying inside your budget. We’ll then undertake a walkthrough of the space to make sure there are no obstacles that could make filming difficult, such as noisy air conditioning that could degrade sound quality.

Planning and Post Editing- We’ll send the shooting location and arrival time to the crew, and client. A shoot schedule will also be included in this document, detailing what content will be shot in what sequence and at what time. The team will arrive on that day and set up. We’ll start shooting as soon as the team arrives. Our editor will put together a first draft of your video utilizing the script and storyboard once everything has been shot. After the first draft is sent, you will have the opportunity to provide input. The editor will then make any necessary changes and ensure that you are happy with the final product.

Marketing – Once we deliver the video then it’s time to share that particular video to your audience with the help of promotional marketing services from Vigarbiz Media to help your video reach maximum audience and views.

Why is Vigarbiz Media the best when it comes to video marketing?

Marketers dream of creating viral video content, but with a shorter human attention span and cluttered and chaotic newsfeeds, it’s impossible to do so. What are the tactics we used to make it share worthy content? We only have 3-4 seconds to make an impression before roughly 20% of visitors opt out, so what are the techniques we did to make it share worthy content?

Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat have all created a dedicated video tab or reels tab to compete with YouTube and YouTube reels for video marketing. We at Vigarbiz Media understand what makes videos so popular. We learn and apply those methods to the videos as we progress because we don’t just want people to watch the videos; we want them to share them with others. We have some video marketing success rules that we use in our video marketing campaign – 

  1. Shareable Content – Organic sharing is the key to successful video marketing. The larger the organic reach, the more users share on their own. We choose good topics to discuss and create informative videos that are worth sharing. We create videos to express your feelings about breaking news, to inspire your target audience, and to celebrate the daily moments.
  2. Engaging Video – In social media news feeds, videos fight for viewer attention. Because we live in a world where we are continuously distracted, with so many apps and pings vying for our attention all day, the video must go right to the point and keep the consumer engaged until the end. As marketers, every marketer thinks that users should stop scrolling through their newsfeeds, start watching the business video, watch it till the end, then share it. For users, you only have three to six seconds to make an impact.
  3. Storytelling Is Effective – We kept the video simple, but the storytelling was on point. We keep our video brief and inventive, and the focus is primarily on how unique we can make it and it is possible through storytelling only.
  4. Mobile-Friendly Videos – Most of our videos are optimized for mobile devices. Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm is favoring more video content. Furthermore, unlike YouTube, Facebook and Instagram have sharing built into their DNA. The number of shares and like is a crucial indicator that can determine whether a video succeeds or fails. We just soundproof them so that they can captivate the audience even when there is no sound.
  5. Effectively Marketing – Great ideas will not succeed without proper preparation and marketing. We need to establish loyalty with the consumer segment that shares the video within the first few minutes in addition to sharing the material. Aside from that, we promote the videos using all available online marketing channels, such as Whatsapp, Twitter, and Instagram.
  6. Make a Story, Not an Ad – Nobody cares about your brand, services, or products; instead, it’s all about your target audience and their pain points, and we can help you create video content that can help them in their lives.
  7. Think Conversation, Not Campaign – We make videos that can spark a discussion. Traditional marketing is thinking about a campaign, but today’s social media is all about initiating a conversation, and our video can help with that by allowing people to tag their friends and start the conversation.

Wrapping Up

Every customer, brand, and promotional video is unique. That’s why we personalize each project to our clients’ specific requirements and collaborate closely with them at every level of the video production process. 

The rules of Vigarbiz Media’s successful video marketing is all about selecting share worthy topics, prioritizing storytelling, making it mobile friendly, promoting effectively, making like an ad and thinking about the conversation.

If you have a brief script and are searching for a production company to carry out your project, or if you’d want us to work as a video agency and pitch creative ideas for live-action or animated video then please get in touch and We Provide Best Videography Services in Pune.

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