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B2B PPC Strategy – What do you need for success?



B2B PPC Strategy. What do you need for success?


It’s natural to want all of your sponsored efforts to focus on immediate, revenue-generating, lower-funnel initiatives. When it comes to reviewing ROI, those are generally the ones with the money linked to them. However, if you want a long-term, scalable, and cost-effective B2B PPC strategy, this will not suffice. You’ll need to be a lot more deliberate and strategic.


B2B PPC campaigns that are well-rounded should concentrate on increasing awareness and trust among all of your audience members, not simply those who are actively seeking to buy. 95% of purchasers, according to LinkedIn, are out-market, which means they aren’t actively looking to switch providers or subscribe to new services. You lose most of your possibilities if you narrow your focus to those who are actively seeking to move forward.


You need a B2B paid advertising plan that is designed to grow, fascinate, and then convert in order to generate better, more predictable outcomes. Here’s how to begin laying the groundwork for your future success.


The Fundamentals of B2B PPC


It’s crucial for you to bear in mind a few things that serve to build the proper foundation and expectations for B2B PPC ads before you become too engrossed in the finer points of strategy.


First, there are typically several decision-makers involved in the buyer’s journey, which is frequently drawn out. Depending on your offering, it could take a lead more than a year to convert from the initial touchpoint to a new business for your organization. In other words, anticipating instant money is a recipe for disappointment.


Second, the channels you choose have an influence on the success of your B2B PPC advertising. With everything you need, including precise job title information and demographic targeting options, LinkedIn is the premier ad platform for B2B. Aside from paid jobs, LinkedIn is an excellent source of B2B content marketing chances.


Due to keyword intent or low search volume phrases, Google search advertising is frequently difficult for B2B. You’ll probably discover that a campaign requires multiple moving parts. Implementing a strong negative keyword approach, for example, and speaking directly to your target demographic in ad text will assist drive more qualified visitors. When search traffic is minimal, leveraging rival phrases may be a viable strategy to investigate.


Finally, every B2B PPC plan should be approached with a testing attitude, and your ad should be refined to collect data. You may make changes to maximize your efforts and observe what works and what doesn’t.


With everything out of the way, let’s dive into the fundamentals of a great B2B campaign.


What Are the Requirements for a B2B PPC Lead Generation Campaign?


When establishing a PPC B2B lead generation plan, you need a solid foundation built with the correct building pieces. Each of the following elements is important in your campaign and should work together to get the desired impact. Once you’ve mastered each of these, you may begin arranging them into the appropriate forms and tactics to assist you to reach your unique objective.



Your target demographic is crucial in B2B PPC ads. It influences all you say, does, and run.


It is highly advantageous for your campaign to begin audience research using first-party data since it may help you identify comparable and lookalike audiences. You may further categorize your audience to cross-sell different products and services.


If you don’t have enough first-party data (or even if you have), advertising platforms provide a number of targeting options to assist you to improve and segment your audience. LinkedIn, for example, excels at targeting audiences based on job titles, experience, seniority, skill sets, hobbies, and more.


Google Display and Video aren’t as comprehensive as LinkedIn, but they’re filling in more holes for B2B ad targeting. If you haven’t utilized the platform in a while, you should have a look at their new “business size” and “targeting” choices, which may help you drive more quality web traffic and produce leads.


As you go through marketing platforms and new concepts, keep your audience in mind at all times. Your major aim is to guarantee that you are always communicating with the proper individuals.




Starting with audiences, different B2B marketing platforms perform better or worse based on what you’re trying to accomplish, the KPIs you define, and the audience you’re targeting. For high intent, search is ideal. Display and social media are excellent tools for raising awareness. Facebook is an established standard, but it has gotten more difficult owing to a decline in audience signals. LinkedIn automatically collects business-related information from your profile, which you may utilize to narrow down your target audience.


Depending on what you’re attempting to do, you’ll need to choose the appropriate platform. And never, ever presume. Even if you believe you understand the locations and behaviors of your target audience, it is crucial to run an A/B test before launching a sponsored social media campaign in order to optimize more quickly and prevent making costly errors.


It’s more vital to evaluate your audience than which B2B paid advertising channels are ideal. Where do your consumers spend their time, and how can you reach them most effectively? Experimenting with a platform that your client base isn’t using or that doesn’t provide the audience signals you want is pointless.




The objectives of a B2B campaign frequently change depending on the funnel stage of your particular campaign, and they are truly the cornerstone of whether or not you made a wise investment. For example, don’t expect awareness initiatives to just result in closed business. You would also not evaluate remarketing efforts purely on the number of impressions provided. Tracking and measuring are required for the duration of your campaign and for each stage of your marketing funnel.


Messaging + Creativity


When an ad talks directly to your target audience and solves their problem areas while providing meaningful answers, you improve ad performance and conversion rates. In your ad copy, calling out to your unique, focused audience can result in greater CTRs and better engagement. Your advertisements are more likely to connect and have an effect when you combine precise content with artistic elements.


Consider utilizing video to help you locate the correct creative. According to 78% of markets, video has increased sales. Make use of the possibilities of video to create:


Tutorials and how-to’s for B2B


Case studies

Brand awareness


Top 3 Paid B2B Media Strategies


With the foundation established and the building pieces in place, it’s time to shape them into your plan. When it comes to B2B PPC ads, Silverback consistently finds success with three methods across customers and sectors.


Forms for Lead Generation


Lead-generating forms are an efficient approach to rapidly collect contact information and determine whether a potential customer is interested in your goods or services. Since they keep consumers on the same platform and focused on the work at hand, we’ve discovered that they tend to deliver greater conversion rates across all major platforms.


PPC B2B lead-generating forms are straightforward to measure and customer-friendly. The user’s information is automatically filled in on LinkedIn’s forms, which lowers friction and speeds up the conversion route.




Because of the lengthier sales cycle and the necessity for several touchpoints in B2B paid advertising, remarketing is successful. When the consumer continues to express interest, you will have highly qualified leads who are more likely to convert. But it’s not just about retargeting visitors to your website. Other ad interactions can also be used to retarget.


Ad engagements vary, but it may imply that someone watched your video, filled out a lead-generating form, or clicked on an image ad on LinkedIn. They are also extremely useful types of data. Because of changes in the internet advertising privacy landscape, consumers may opt out of cookie-tracking, reducing audience numbers for conventional website visitor groups. Using these “walled-garden” audiences to augment traditional cookie-based segments is a terrific approach to continue contacting engaged users.


Furthermore, connecting to your CRM might help your remarketing activities. You may send leads that change from MQL to Opportunities in Salesforce back into the ad platform so that you can update the segment’s messaging and attribute more precise lead values.


Account-Based Marketing (ABM)


Account-based marketing is another B2B PPC tactic that has made an impression on us. This is when our marketing team collaborates with our client’s internal sales team to identify key accounts and design campaigns around them. From there, we can specifically target those people most likely to convert with highly targeted messages, content, and offers. As a result of this more personalized strategy, the sales cycle is frequently shorter, and the post-conversion loyalty base is stronger.


This marketing-meets-sales approach is frequently quite efficient. By focusing on our most valuable prospects while creating ad content and communicating with them, we can rapidly and efficiently close the gap between the two departments.


It might be challenging to develop a PPC B2B strategy when your company has a lot of competing priorities, budgets, and objectives. The approach may be made simpler by working with an agency, and your staff will remain focused on the most crucial issues. To discuss your next PPC B2B campaign, get in touch with us immediately.


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